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Study Guide

Test Design and Test Objectives
Field 06: Political Science/American Government

Test Overview

Table outlining the test format, number of questions, time, and passing score.
Format Computer-based test (CBT) and online-proctored test
Number of Questions 100 selected-response questions
Time 2 hours and 30 minutes (does not include 15-minute tutorial)
Passing Score 240

Pie chart of approximate test weighting outlined in the table below.

Test Objectives

Table outlining test content and subject weighting by sub area and objective
Subareas Range of Objectives Approximate Test Proportions
I Concepts and Skills 01–04 21%
II Political Thought, Comparative Government, and International Relations 05–08 21%
III United States and Arizona Government 09–19 58%


Subarea I–Concepts and Skills

Objective 0001: Understand political science terms, concepts, and theories.

For example

Objective 0002: Understand methods for locating, gathering, and organizing social science information.

For example

Objective 0003: Apply methods for evaluating and interpreting social science information.

For example

Objective 0004: Understand how to frame questions, analyze and synthesize information, make generalizations, and reach and communicate valid conclusions.

For example


Subarea II–Political Thought, Comparative Government, and International Relations

Objective 0005: Understand the history of political thought through the modern era.

For example

Objective 0006: Understand various governmental systems.

For example

Objective 0007: Understand the nature of diplomacy and the role of international organizations.

For example

Objective 0008: Understand U.S. foreign policy.

For example


Subarea III–United States and Arizona Government

Objective 0009: Understand the historical development of government in the United States.

For example

Objective 0010: Understand the United States Constitution.

For example

Objective 0011: Understand the structure, organization, and operation of the federal government.

For example

Objective 0012: Understand the relationship of government to the United States economic system.

For example

Objective 0013: Understand the development of political parties in the United States.

For example

Objective 0014: Understand the election process in the United States.

For example

Objective 0015: Understand the role of political culture, public opinion, and the media in United States politics.

For example

Objective 0016: Understand state and local government in the United States.

For example

Objective 0017: Understand the rights and responsibilities of U.S. citizenship.

For example

Objective 0018: Understand basic features of democratic government in the United States.

For example

Objective 0019: Understand state government and government of American Indian nations in Arizona.

For example